Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Snowshoeing Robs Trail in Park City

Mike Scelora and I hit Robs Trail yesterday after looking at condos in Park City. Gorgeous day! Holy smokes! I can't believe I've been inside working all week! Blue sky, warm day, great views, and the powder on the north slopes was light and a good 12" deep.

Park City has a trails foundation that does a great job marking all the trails in the area. There are about 4 different trails that coincide and intermingle with this trail. We traipsed over to The Canyons Resort and then I had to get back because my kids were out of school, but it was such a sweet day. We did 2.56 miles according to the Garmin GPS. Could have gone a lot further, it was hard to turn around. Look up Rob's trail under the Park City section on

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