Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Skiing The Canyons with my boys and Ski Utah

The ski season started so early this year. Enough snow to ski even before Thanksgiving--made me feel like I needed to be on the slopes, but I didn't heed the call until December. I've renewed my membership with Ski Utah for 2011 and they let me ride the tails of 2010 by hitting the last December 2010 ski day. I spent the day with my boys, rather than my ski pals, and we had a blast. S's feet were cold because he is hitting the growth stage and he's grown out of his ski boots - they were a real source of discomfort to him (never fear, he got new ski boots for Christmas). Ethan was in his element. He laughed and played in the snow and generally didn't want to quit at the day's end. That lifts my heart. It's good to see him happy on the ski slope. Usually he is the first to decide he's had it, and most often he complains of cold. I'm thrilled that he had such a good time. Both S and L are becoming more proficient on their skis. Had lunch in Red Pine lodge, finished the day with a few last runs and then rode the funky lift to the bottom.

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