Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Snowshoe Guiding

Every so often I get an email from one of the out-of-town readers of asking me to guide them on trails while they are in town. Until this winter that hasn't come together, but Meg from Florida and I explored Little Cottonwood Canyon for a few days hitting the Little Cottonwood trail for a warm up, then climbing up the summer road at Alta for a stiffer work out. Our best day was snowshoeing to Twin Lakes Pass. Though we didn't have clear, blue skies to see Mt. Superior, it was a nice jaunt with a decent if foggy view and a fun powder run down. The snow this year is so lovely. The powder has been light, and at the top of the canyon the air is clear. Always good to get out of the inversion. Meg and I stood in a grove of trees listening to the utter silence as the snow absorbed the sounds. A few birds talked but the silence and energy sunk deeply into my chest, almost bringing me to a buzzing state. Magnificent day on the snow. Meg took the photos (we were unable to get one of us together) and you can see how nice the mountains were. Meg is a promoter. She was passing my name and card along to others she had made friends with at the lodge. Kind of fun to watch her work. Turns out that there is a "Christmas crowd" at Alta's Rustler lodge that return each year. She and her family have been coming out for 9 straight years. She snowshoes while her kids ski. What a great tradition.

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