Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tubbs Romp to Stomp out Breast Cancer

Every year Tubbs Snowshoes sponsors the "Romp to Stomp". They do these snowshoe race/walk events around the country. In the Salt Lake area it is held at Mountain Dell up Parley's Canyon. This is our (my sons included) 2nd year volunteering at the event. We put up signs, we time racers, we cheer. Last year we handed out cups of water. The fun of the race is the costumes and spirit of the event. This year, the costumes were at a low (one pink tutu and a set of pink hats with white flowers).... but the racers (over 300) were out to have a great time. The snow was crusty and crunchy, so no fresh powder to dance in, but the race isn't about the snow. Ethan did the 5K snowshoe race, without snowshoes. It was a last minute idea where he felt inspired to follow the racers, and I was impressed to see him come across the finish line. All in good fun, and the community is great to support the cause.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Snowshoe Guiding

Every so often I get an email from one of the out-of-town readers of asking me to guide them on trails while they are in town. Until this winter that hasn't come together, but Meg from Florida and I explored Little Cottonwood Canyon for a few days hitting the Little Cottonwood trail for a warm up, then climbing up the summer road at Alta for a stiffer work out. Our best day was snowshoeing to Twin Lakes Pass. Though we didn't have clear, blue skies to see Mt. Superior, it was a nice jaunt with a decent if foggy view and a fun powder run down. The snow this year is so lovely. The powder has been light, and at the top of the canyon the air is clear. Always good to get out of the inversion. Meg and I stood in a grove of trees listening to the utter silence as the snow absorbed the sounds. A few birds talked but the silence and energy sunk deeply into my chest, almost bringing me to a buzzing state. Magnificent day on the snow. Meg took the photos (we were unable to get one of us together) and you can see how nice the mountains were. Meg is a promoter. She was passing my name and card along to others she had made friends with at the lodge. Kind of fun to watch her work. Turns out that there is a "Christmas crowd" at Alta's Rustler lodge that return each year. She and her family have been coming out for 9 straight years. She snowshoes while her kids ski. What a great tradition.

New Years 2011 - Island Park

New Years for me hasn't always been exciting parties and big events. Many years I'm happy to got to hit the hay at 10, but feel obligated to stay up until midnight. This year my family had the opportunity to join my aunt Katie and Uncle Ron at their Island Park cabin for a weekend of snowmobiling and snowshoeing. What a fun way to spend New Years! Yea! Island Park is one cold place. As low as -10 degrees every day. Rylee got frostbite on her lower legs from her snowpants riding up while we snowmobiled. Almost too cold to be outside but we made the best of it. We got in a fun (but cold) snowmobile ride. I tested out the new MSR Lightning snowshoe with their funky new binding. Mostly I swear at it a lot. I know they won't be happy that I don't recommend it, but honestly who wants to have to watch a video before they can figure out how to get their binding done up? I think user-friendly bindings are the main crux of a sellable snowshoe, and these (though they adjust for an off-center gait) are not user friendly. The new tails are also a pretty interesting design, but in my trials of the shoe I ended up loosing one on the trail. That doesn't speak too highly of their connection system. At any rate - I sure hope they continue to make the Lightning with their original binding because I love that snowshoe. I think Christian, Ethan and I had the most fun sledding behind the four-wheeler on the snowpacked roads. Laughed hard and real while hitting snow banks and whipping on the centrifugal swing. S loved driving.

Skiing The Canyons with my boys and Ski Utah

The ski season started so early this year. Enough snow to ski even before Thanksgiving--made me feel like I needed to be on the slopes, but I didn't heed the call until December. I've renewed my membership with Ski Utah for 2011 and they let me ride the tails of 2010 by hitting the last December 2010 ski day. I spent the day with my boys, rather than my ski pals, and we had a blast. S's feet were cold because he is hitting the growth stage and he's grown out of his ski boots - they were a real source of discomfort to him (never fear, he got new ski boots for Christmas). Ethan was in his element. He laughed and played in the snow and generally didn't want to quit at the day's end. That lifts my heart. It's good to see him happy on the ski slope. Usually he is the first to decide he's had it, and most often he complains of cold. I'm thrilled that he had such a good time. Both S and L are becoming more proficient on their skis. Had lunch in Red Pine lodge, finished the day with a few last runs and then rode the funky lift to the bottom.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Best Hikes Near Salt Lake City

25 trails in 2 months. That's where I have been...out on the trail. The first of August, Falcon Guides contracted with me to write their Best Hikes Near Salt Lake City guidebook and I've been racing against the weather to get as much research done as possible before snow comes and we are out enjoying the snowshoe trails and ski runs. It's been a big hiking year!Miss Molly and the boys have made a few runs with me. The Meet-Up hiking groups have been key, and friends have filled in the hiking gaps.

Davis County, Weber County, Salt Lake County, Utah County...I only wish I were going slower and savoring each moment, instead I feel like I'm just ticking them off as fast as I can. The good side - burning some calories. The down side - missing out on contemplative spiritual moments the trails offer.

Maybe it's time to take the last few trails of the season and head out alone and find some time to meld with the energy of the mountains.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Adams Canyon Again - July 2010

Twice in one year! I guess that's what book research does to you. This time George Coleman and I took our kids up the trail. It was a nice night. That first 1/2 mile is always a sandy slog, but once in the canyon it's a beautiful hike. Davis County's most popular hike. Ethan oozes energy, bouncing off rocks and running the trail. Boys are awesome! Megan has a harder time of it, but Elsie was a real trooper. The waterfall - ahhhh!

Ensign Peak

We are famous. Today Ethan, Matt Thalman, Josh Page, Molly and I hiked Ensign Peak. I've never been before. It was the perfect trail for these guys. Short, interesting little dirt trails, rocks to climb on and we quickly got to the destination. The trail is grassy and dry, but the overlook takes in the entire SLC valley. The spot where Brigham Young, Wilford Woodruff, and other future prophets of the church stood to look over the valley and envision their layout of the city, this is most certainly the spot for that! A clear view right down the center of the valley with the Oquirrhs on the right and the Wasatch Range on the left. Took us only about 15 minutes to get to the top. But, back to the reason we are famous - Channel 2 News was there to look at the trail and they interviewed me. I got a plug in for the book. We just finished watching it. They got all the boys, Molly dog barking at the camera, and my interview was pretty smooth. Fun trail for kids!