Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hiking the Bonneville Shoreline Trail: NSL trailhead

April 10th. My friend Bill introduced me to the concept of Meetup Groups. These are hobby groups of all different types (anything you can imagine), where people who have similar interests join up and engage in their hobby together. So, I found a hiking group that will help me explore the Davis County trails that I am less familiar with. On Saturday I took my son and Miss Molly dog and we joined with the Davis County Hiking Meetup group to tackle the Bonneville Shoreline trail. This trail is hard to keep track of for me because it has so many different lengths. Some sections of the trail are finished, some have funding approved but are not yet done, and since it starts in Cache Valley and stretches across the Wasatch Front in sporadic sections I find it hard to keep track of. That being said, it's my own fault for not just getting out and doing every section. Perhaps that can be a summer goal. So this time we started at the NSL/Bountiful trailhead which lies at the far south end of the Bountiful Eagle Ridge Golf course. The entire trail is a dirt road. I must tell you that I loved getting out hiking with my son - spring fever, and I found the views of all the industrial life there at the point of the mountain interesting, but perspective aside, when I look for a great trail the view I want is not one of railway cars, gravel pits and refineries. Once you round the corner above Salt Lake the view of the entire Wasatch Front opens up and you are looking right down on the capitol and downtown SLC. It was a nice cool morning to get out. At the top of the trail you can head down toward Ensign Peak or head up further past more relay station towers and deeper into the foothills. We climbed a bit and then called it quits when Molly got tired and laid down in the snow. 4.45 miles round trip in about 2 hrs and 3 min. A little bit of clay on the shoes, but mostly a cool spring morning and it was much better to be outside than in. Dogs allowed on a leash. Easy access mountain biking.

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