Friday, April 9, 2010

Alta Spring Skiing

Spring Break at Alta with the boys. Beautiful day. The boys crack me up!! I've never seen other kids do this, but my boys decided it was more fun to lay on the back of their skies and slide down the mountain like a sled. Then they got up on their skis and pretended to be fighter pilots. Their arms made wings and machine guns when they needed to shoot one another on the pass. Full on sound effects with the occasional passing skier laughing at them. My oldest son was a US fighter pilot and my youngest son was left to be Russian, which he was not happy with. He claimed he would be China, until son #1 informed him that Chinese planes were made poorly and would fall apart at the first pass. So then son #2 agreed to be Russian, where son #1 then informed him that China made the Russian planes and exported them. Funny boys. Their second full day at a resort. Son #2 tired out early. We all went home with goggle tan lines.

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