Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Days of Thunder

All I can say is I think this hike ruined me to the sport of backpacking. Who knew? Bells Canyon is a steep granite canyon that frankly is little more than a staircase of rocks rising at 1000' elevation each mile. 10 hours to do 5 miles. The next day Mike Scalora and I hiked to the North Thundermountain overlook up fields of granite boulders. Feels like you've gone miles when you've only gone yards. Couldn't walk for 4 days after I got home. Didn't hit the trail again for 2 whole weeks. I'm thinking of bagging my attempt on all the 11,000 foot peaks. Uggg! I must give due credit to the wonderful falls on the way up! The trail to the lower and upper falls will be included in the guidebook.

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