Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Holbrook Creek Trail: Bountiful

Holbrook Creek trailhead sits just south of the Bountiful LDS Temple. There is a nice little parking area with room for plenty of cars. The drop into the canyon is a bit steep on a wide gravel trail, but at the bottom you are immediately met by Holbrook Creek and tiny falls that dump out of the canyon. If you want to make it to the top you will have to cross the river repeatedly, so a pair of Chacos isn't a bad idea. I've hiked it twice in mine this year.

Clouds rolled in just as Gene, S, L, Molly dog and I started. By all expectations this should be a great trail for Miss Molly, but her curly black hair turned out to be Velcro for the burrs in the area. Wow! Globs bigger than my hand. Poor little thing. Bath, scissors, struggling... it was not a fun experience. I have conceded that perhaps she is not a trail doggy. But, I digress...Everything is green now. The creek is running full and happy. The trail, if you persevere to the dead end rock, is about 2.5 miles to the top and sits at about 5960'. Very pleasant spot for an afternoon jaunt. Obviously dogs are allowed, just clean up after them.

This trail is popular, but not as frequented as the nearby Mueller Park. Holbrook is a more level trail than Mueller Park, and it follows the creek, which is always nice. Both can be snowshoed, hiked, enjoyed!!

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